The last quarter of a game is arguably the most important. Yes, of course, what you did in the first three quarters matters and can set you up well for the 4th. But what happens in the last quarter counts the most. (If you happen to also be a Chicago Bears fan, you know this all too well this week/season/lifetime).
As we enter into October and the last 3 months of our year, we have an opportunity to re-focus on what matters most. The great thing is that you already have a feel for what your semester is like and how busy you actually are. It’s one thing to see your schedule on paper in August and an entirely different feeling to have lived it for the past weeks on campus. You know what it is like to have your class load and to go to your job and clubs and social events and to try to balance it all. If you haven’t had a round of midterms, they are fast-approaching and this is usually the time in the semester where you start to feel a bit overwhelmed.
You don’t get extra credit for pushing through with no rest, you just end up burning out faster that way.
Use This All to Your Advantage
Take your calendar out again. Write out everything you have going on in your weeks. Re-evaluate your priorities (or figure them out for the first time — here and here are some resources that may be helpful). Edit out what no longer is serving you (yes, you can quit things). It’s good to push through and continue to show up for the things that matter most, even when you are feeling the mid-semester drag. But there might be some things in your schedule that just don’t add to your priorities anymore. That’s okay, you have permission to not do those things. Here’s some more motivation if you need it.
Once your calendar is put back together, add in space for simplicity. For fun. For things that feel restful. You don’t get extra credit for pushing through with no rest, you just end up burning out faster that way. Build in the space and time to make sure that you are taken care of.
You Have Permission to Take Care of Yourself
To take a break if you need it. To change your priorities if they have changed. To say no to the extras. You have permission to enjoy your college experience. To not hustle until you burn out. To go on walks and watch fall movies and to spend an entire day visiting your favorite spots in your campus town just because you wanted to. Figure out what fills you up and do those things.
You are so much more than all you can produce and accomplish on campus.
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