We’ve all been there. Your friends are waiting on you and you are still lying around, scrolling social media instead of getting ready because you feel like it will take SO long. You should be using the healthy food you bought at the grocery store but instead you order take out because cooking feels overwhelming. I even had a roommate in college who would go buy new clothes to avoid doing laundry because she would let it pile up, and who wants to spend all day washing, sorting and folding every item of clothing you own.
Here’s the simplest life hack. Time yourself doing different tasks that you are likely to avoid. Literally, it’s that easy. Set your phone timer and see how long each task actually takes you. Having this in your mind can be all the motivation you need to get something started that you’d rather avoid!
When I know that it takes me 8 minutes to dry my hair from start to finish, I’m so less likely to procrastinate on getting ready for the day. A load of laundry will take exactly 5 minutes to put away if I just have one to do (this also motivates me to do just one load more often). Dishes are easier and so much quicker to complete after one meal instead of after an entire day (or longer!) of meals and snacks.
These are often the tasks that make us feel so good once they are done. No one wants to look at a pile of unorganized papers or the clothes that have made a home on your chair for the past week. Remember, clutter in your space leads to clutter in your brain. You often feel so much better and less stressed once these types of tasks are completed. Knowing how long it will take you to get to the gym or even how long it takes to apply your sunless tanner (turns out I actually have those 6 minutes to spare) will help you tackle those tasks that can oftentimes feel like they will take forever. And once you accomplish one, what’s one more? You see how this works…
What are those things for you? List them out and just pay attention the next time you complete them. Keep a mental note of how long those tasks take so the next time you need to do one, you will remember that it won’t be as time-consuming as you think. Chances are, you are probably spending more time avoiding the task than if you just tackled it in the first place!
(Side-note: Sometimes your night calls for scrolling social media in your bed instead of getting ready to go out. Listen to what your body needs and enjoy these evenings too!)
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