Finals Week is an especially challenging time in your semester. You’re back from Thanksgiving break with a taste of feeling rested, then have to power through your last weeks of classes and group projects. The only thing standing between you and an extended break? Finals Week.
Even the most organized student is stressed during Finals Week. You are plagued by overwhelm or exhaustion or you just absolutely do not care anymore — you’re ready to go through the motions to check everything off of your to-do list. But the stress of exams, projects and papers counting for much of your grade in your classes, can weigh on you. Thus begins the Finals Week Cycle of stress and studying and not sleeping and eating poorly. You end up limping towards the finish line of the semester so you can finally look forward to the Holidays ahead and an actual break for the first time in 4 months.
What if instead of just surviving this Finals Week, you feel like you are actually thriving?
Enter: our Simply College Finals Week Guide. What if you felt rested and organized and maybe even a little alive this Finals Week? What if instead of limping towards the finish line, you felt like you finished as strong as you could? Maybe you don’t end up with a perfect 4.0GPA, but you look back at this semester and feel that you had a good balance of work and fun and rest. What if instead of just surviving this Finals Week, you feel like you are actually (even if just somewhat) thriving?
Sign up for our Finals Week Guide here. Pass along the link to a friend (or 10!) so that you have some community and accountability. In our guide, you’ll find some ways to slow down and practice simplicity this Finals Week and even though it can feel like the most challenging time to apply these practices, it is exactly the time you need to the most.
Happy Finals and we can’t wait to hear how this guide helped you!