The start of a semester brings all of the best things. New planners and goals. A fresh start with no feelings of being behind already. Hopes and dreams for how this semester might pan out.
A semester is about finishing another round of classes, of course. But it’s about so much more than that. It’s about what kind of activities you’ll spend your time doing. It’s about the relationships that will grow, or may even start over these next few months. It’s about how you’ll grow as a person — emotionally, spiritually and relationally. It’s about your mental health and your physical health and about how you’ll choose to be present where you’re at. Yes, a semester is about all the things you’re doing. But more importantly it’s about doing the work to become the person you are becoming.
Each semester you can set yourself up to be perfect — to ace all the exams and lead all the clubs and probably feel stressed the whole time. You can also set yourself up for just getting by, always feeling like you are playing catch-up while probably also feeling stressed all the time. Or you can choose to set yourself up for your most intentional semester yet.
What Matters Most to You?
If you are being intentional with your semester, YOU get to decide what matters most to you. This will look different for everyone, because it is based around your own hopes and goals. If we are not intentional with our time, things end up happening to us (exams come out of nowhere, we end up saying yes to too many things and feeling overwhelmed, you know the drill…). But when we are intentional, we set the course for our own semester. If you want to thrive academically, then commit to that. If you want to soak up every last second with your friends on campus before graduation, that’s perfect. If you want to grow in your faith or your relationships, then you need to carve out time for those things. It’s not just going to happen on its own.
Nothing in your semester is going to just happen without you being intentional.
So what matters most to you this semester? Where do you want to grow over the next three months? What habits and qualities do you want to be true of you, come May? And how can you make space for these things before the chaos and busyness of the semester really gets going? Write these things down. Tell a friend for accountability. Commit to making these things a priority in your schedule.
So much is possible when we are intentional. Little changes over time add up to big changes in our lives. When we create space for the things that matter most in our lives, we can jump in and be truly present where we are at.
Let me know how you’re choosing to be intentional this semester and how Simply College can help you thrive!