New Year, New You?

I absolutely love the start of a year. New planners and schedules and a chance to organize and set myself up well for what’s ahead. The allure of a fresh start is so exhilarating. But it can be easy to slip into the mentality of being a whole new version of yourself when this happens. Whether it’s the start of a school year or a calendar year or just a new season in your life, we can feel like we are under a lot of pressure to have it all figured out

I’m here to remind you that no one has it all figured out and that yes, it’s okay to evolve slowly. Change takes time. All things that last take time. 

In a culture that values immediacy over everything, it’s so easy to feel like we should be able to adapt and shift and change overnight. But the truth is, we are just not wired like that. Change is slow and unglamorous and most of the time not instagram or TikTok worthy. 

So here’s your permission to change slowly. 

  • Want to be a runner? Go for a run once. Then do it again sometime soon. 
  • Want to get good grades? Get in a practice of looking over your notes on a daily or weekly basis, not just cramming last minute for your exams. 
  • Want to be more present? Put your phone down and invite a friend to go on a walk. 
  • Want to be less busy and overwhelmed? Say no to one thing on your plate. Then try it again soon. Read this if you need some more encouragement.

Lasting change takes time and dedication and very small choices over your semester. Its not glamorous or TikTok worthy (unless you’re really good at time-lapse videos) but it is so very worth it. 

So give yourself grace. None of us can change overnight. And if we could, we’d be missing out on so much that we learn on the journey. 

Cheering you on in all your simplicity ways! Look for some *brand new* resources coming to your semester soon! As always, feel free to reach out — or on instagram @simplycollegelife.

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