April is always the busiest month of the college year. You are finishing all the projects and papers and studying for finals and trying to cram in all the things before you leave campus for the summer. And if you live in a colder climate, you are finally getting to enjoy some of the outdoor perks of your college town!
Spring cleaning may not be on your “most important” list, but hear me out. Using an afternoon or a few hours over a weekend to clean out some of the clutter in your space can help prepare you for the busy month ahead. A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind.
So prepare yourself well. Pack up your winter gear. Get rid of old papers you don’t need. Simplify your space by putting items away where they belong. Donate things you no longer use. Clear off flat surfaces.
Read the posts below, binge some episodes of Get Organized with The Home Edit on Netflix for some inspiration and tackle that space of yours before Finals Week!
5 Easy Ways You Can Simplify Your College Life Right Now
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